
Christian Faith - Expressing Christian Faith

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Truth Decay

Truth Decay

Has truth ever been as slippery as it is in the 2020s?


Quite possibly, because we often imagine things are getting worse when we have been here before. And yet there are some clear red flags.

 Historically, one of the greatest threats to truth has been the blurring of fact and opinion, with the latter being passed off as the former. What’s different today is the sheer weight of opinion that clogs up our social media feeds. We simply have too many people sounding off and passing themselves off as experts,


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Managing Anger, Dead Man Walking, The Path To Human Happiness, Blinded By The Light, Question Time, No Worries


Ten Steps To Take In Ministry As We Emerge Again
Be tuned into our own emotions
It’s only been a few weeks, but these days have weighed heavily on each of us. What has happened to us in this time? What has changed that means we aren’t the same person now? There’s a lot we may not have figured out, because our feelings are complicated. But the chances are some of these emotions lie near to the surface, shown in the way tears come more easily or anger flares more readily. We won’t be alone in this. Walking with others on this way and watching for the Jesus of Emmaus to sidle up is the slow but revealing journey we’re on now.
What good habits have we learned in lockdown that we want to keep? Many think of the lifting of lockdown as the chance for a re-boot, but what if the re-boot was the lockdown itself? We like to present as people in control of our lives, directing changes when they need to be made, fully signed up to the self-improvement agenda.
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Jesus’ leaving of earth could have been a crushing blow to his followers but patient prayer in one place got them ready for a promise.
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Question Time

It isn’t that politics and religion are separate spheres. They are two sides of the same coin. And the whole coin belongs to God.
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The Fist Sized Cloud

A Christian view of climate change is to weigh up perceived threats but not to be paralysed by them. Prayer and activism should be the cutting edges of our concern.
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Live Aid's Legacy

The generosity which inspired July 13, 1985 is still present in the British public ....

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Are We In A Muddle Over Our Discipleship?

Have we become so protective of personal autonomy in following Christ that we no longer submit to external discipline?

Is Willpower Enough To Win?
Is Willpower Enough To Win?

There are risks in suggesting that success in our chosen field is merely a function of wanting it more than the next person.